Thin-Film Ferroelectic Structurs Laboratory

Ferroelectrc Films
Thin ferroelectric film growing technology is developed in 1975-1995. BaxSr1-xNb2O6, (SBN) based fast response modulators are desined. Structures In2O3+SnOx (ITO) , ITO– SBN–ITO are created.
Ferroelectic based memory
Radiation-restisant ferroelectic based memory is proposed. The similar memory is used on "Voyagers".

Extremly high electric field are acheved in multi-anker nanogap at metal-gap-ferroelectric-electrod-substrate structures.

Fast response actuators and micromotors

Pyroelectic Film IR detectors
IR pyroelectic detectors based on SBN films are proposed.
Electric Controled Glue
Electic controlled glue based on ferroelectic film with nanogap is developed.
Energy Harvesting
Movable Electrod of Energy Harvesting device |

Energy Harvesting device matrix |